Homeowner Application
To become a homeowner in the Habitat for Humanity Homeowner Program,
you must meet the homebuyer qualifications. Check it out below!
1. Residency
Every Habitat homeowner program applicant must ...
Be a U.S. Citizens or Permanent Resident
have lived or worked in the Anchorage area for at least one year.
have not owned a home in the past three years.
2. Financial requirements
Every Habitat homeowner program applicant must ...
have at least one year of on-time rental history
do not own a mobile home and/or land, or if you do, are willing to sell it.
have less than $10,000 liquid assets
Can pay a monthly mortgage payment
Stable sources of income
Good or repairable credit
Out of bankruptcy at least two years with good credit history during that time frame
Adequate income to pay mortgage, insurance and property tax, other monthly payments and still be able to meet family needs
Meet income guidelines –see the chart below
FY 2024 Income Limits Summery

*Specific income guidelines will be discussed once a family or individual has submitted an application. Habitat does not discourage anyone from applying for our homeownership program. However, please note that in addition to meeting Habitat's monthly income and debt requirements, an applicant must not have filed bankruptcy or had property foreclosed on within the past three years. All court fees, fines, time served, community service, etc.
must be fully satisfied and any civil judgment or tax lien paid in full or satisfied prior to being accepted into the homeownership program.
3. Need for housing
Every Habitat homeowner program applicant must ...
report a need for housing
Examples of housing need
Unsafe/Unsanitary conditions
Lack of accessibility needed by the homeowner
Not enough room for all family members
Too far from work, school, and/or other important places
Hostile/Unfriendly community or neighbors
4. Willingness to partner
Habitat homebuyers help build their own homes alongside volunteers and pay an affordable mortgage.
Every Habitat homeowner program applicant must ...
Be a partner with us, as this makes our program possible
perform between 250-600 hours of “sweat equity”
Attend the following classes: Dave Ramsey Financial Classes, AK Housing First Time Homebuyer Class, Homebuyer Maintenance Program Class, and Knowledge of HOA’S
work side-by-side with volunteers
3 things you need to know before applying for our Homeowner Program
Habitat homes are NOT free

Habitat for Humanity homes are not given away. Our partner families (or individuals) do pay the mortgage on the home.
Homeowners contribute time and energy
All homeowners complete 250-600 hours of sweat equity per adult as part of the down payment on their home.

Homeownership takes time
This is not a quick process. From selection to move-in can take up to 2.5 years for a newly-built home. Housing availability is early 2026.

If you do not meet these requirements, you will not be considered for the Homeowner Program.
The homeowner application is now closed.
If you're interested our homeowner program, please sign up through the interest form. We'll send an email when the application reopens.

We are pledged to the letter and spirit of U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunities throughout the nation. We encourage and support an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin.