Let's build the
future together.
Partner with Habitat
There are many ways to partner with Habitat, but there is only one goal. At Habitat for Humanity, we bring people together to offer families and individuals the opportunity to build and purchase their own decent, affordable home. And while there are many ways to join that effort, the goal is the same: offering hard-working families strength, stability, and self-reliance. If you'd like to learn more, we'd love to speak with you.
Community partnerships reshape the community.
There are thousands of local families in need and every day we're helping more Anchorage neighbors become homeowners. But we can't do it alone. It takes a lot of people, money, and prayer to create a simple, decent place to live. Without partnerships with like-minded individuals and organizations, the remarkable community transformation we witness day in and day out would not be possible.
Together, we can offer hard-working families and individuals hope and the ability to turn their hard work into a simple, decent place for their families to live. If you have questions or would like to speak with us, we would love to hear from you.
Corporate Sponsorships
Our corporate sponsorship program invites and challenges corporations to demonstrate civic leadership and join us in our mission to help all people have decent, affordable housing.
Discover a tangible return on investment.
Corporate partnerships make a tangible difference in our community and offer a wealth of benefits to corporations, including tax deductions, beneficial community relations, and a permanent positive effect on company moral.
United around the goal of helping those in need, employees at every level get to see each other at their best on a Habitat build. It's an opportunity to grow, to bond and to experience the positive effects that are carried back to the workplace.
Habitat partnerships come in many different forms, just like corporations that support us. Corporate partnerships may also include any combination of the following possibilities for supporting Habitat's work:
Product donations
Financial support
Grants and awards programs
Raising public awareness
Bring your team of employees, clients, or customers and join us for a day of volunteerism on a Habitat site or ReStore. Your company provides volunteers and/or a financial contribution, and we provide skilled construction supervision, training, tools and safety equipment.

Faith Community
Our belief is that all people should have a safe, decent place to live. As an ecumenical Christian ministry, we invite people of all faiths to join our calling to build and renovate simple, affordable houses.
Let's put our faith into action... together.
At Habitat for Humanity, our faith drives our mission: to put God's love into action by bringing people to build homes, communities and hope. This mission is about tearing down walls and building bridges. It's about offering hope and transforming lives. It's about serving God by serving others.
Every church and faith organization can make an impact. Your church can support the ministry of Habitat for Humanity in a number of ways:
Volunteer on Habitat work sites
Support the Habitat ministry financially through donations or sponsorship
Provide snack and devotion for break time on a work site
Provide lunch for volunteers or refreshments for special events
Volunteer at Habitat for Humanity ReStore
Organize a ReStore donation drive at your church
What other ideas can you discover?

Youth & Education
With their special energy, enthusiasm and creativity, youth and education groups can play a unique role in Habitat's mission to eliminate poverty housing and create awareness of the need for safe and affordable housing.
No matter the age, everyone can make a difference.
Youth and education groups can play a unique role in Habitat's mission and create awareness of the need for decent, affordable housing for all people. Working with Habitat lets volunteers gain first-hand knowledge about issues of affordable housing and provides them with the opportunity to work toward a solution. They also learn new skills and develop a life-long spirit of service at the same time.
We encourage youth to be involved in any of our group or individual volunteer opportunities. However, certain age guidelines must be strictly enforced: All construction site tasks require volunteers to be 16 years of age or older and at least 18 years of age to be on a roof. There are limited construction tasks that can be done by volunteers under 16, and younger volunteers must be accompanied by adult supervision. Minors must have a waiver signed by a parent or guardian.
Disclaimers aside, we really want the enthusiasm and excitement of young people to spread throughout the Habitat for Humanity ministry - and we would love to talk with you about how your youth and educational groups can make a lasting difference with local families in need.

Gifts In-Kind
When we minimize costs, we maximize the number of homes built and renovated. Donated materials and services are crucial to the success of our organization and greatly reduce the cost of the programs we offer. We will gladly accept donations of building materials, equipment, construction, and professional services, as well as, devotion time, and snacks and lunches for the volunteers on our work site.
Your skills and materials make a difference. If you think that you have a donation that may be of interest, we would love to speak with you about gifts in-kind. Contact us today.