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Monday June 2nd, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

2830 C Street, Anchorage AK. 99503

And raise funds for Habitat for Humanity.

Our goal is $100,000 at this fundraising Gala.
Join us for an evening of dinner, wine tasting, music, a live auction and more.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Become a sponsor! By supporting this gala, you ensure that we build affordable housing in Anchorage.


Only One available!

  • 12 tickets at 2 reserved tables

  • 4 complimentary bottles of wine 

  • VIP gift for each guest

  • Highlighted as our featured sponsor in all marketing


Only Three available!


  • 6 tickets at a reserved table

  • 2 complimentary bottles of wines

  • VIP gift for each guest

  • ​Sponsor 1 live auction item 

  • Thanked as top-level sponsor


Iris Sponsorship

Only Four available!

  • 4 tickets at  reserved seats

  • 1 complimentary bottle of wine

  • VIP gift for each guest 

  • Thanked as premier sponsor


Live Auction Item

Only Seven available!

  • Logo featured as sponsor in auction marketing

  • Sponsor 1 live auction item 

  • Thanked as premier sponsor


Fireweed Sponsorship

Only Seven available!

  • 2 tickets at  reserved seats

  • VIP gift for each guest 

  • Thanked as premier sponsor


individual Tickets

Coming Soon!

Stay Up To Date

We look forward to hosting more enjoyable events like this in the future. Stay tuned!

Resource Warehouse


Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope. We do this by building and renovating simple, decent, and affordable houses and by using our voice in the community to make adequate housing a matter of conscience and action.


We believe in a future Anchorage that has broad and diverse community engagement committed to the elimination of substandard housing and the availability of safe, decent and affordable places to live for all of our neighbors.


Habitat for Humanity Anchorage is a Christian, faith-based non-profit. However, we will not offer assistance on the expressed or implied condition that people must adhere to or convert to a particular faith. Questions? Send us a message.

Habitat for Humanity is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed. Serving Anchorage municipality. Mailing address: 900 E. Benson Blvd, Anchorage, AK 99508. Phone: (907) 272-0800

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Website inspired by our friends at Habitat for Humanity East Central Ohio in Canton, Ohio 

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